Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

Tyra and I packed up our stuff and took off to Preston for a few days to celebrate Mother's Day and my dad's birthday all in one shot.

When we got to my parent's place, we played with the kids and enjoyed every ounce of sunshine we could get. And I might have eaten a handful of rootbeer cookies...but I'm not exactly sure how many are in a handful. Then we had both of my grandmothers over that night for "Spa Night". Tyra decorated the whole basement with tea lights and candles. She set up a foam mattress for the facials--which she was in charge of. I set up a pedicure shop and Kelsey had the hand massage station. We served ice water and milanos for refreshments and we watched an old Rock Hudson movie--Come September--as we got beautified.

It was so much fun to see my grandmas in that environment. These are two ladies who have never stepped foot in a spa and have never paid anyone else a cent to rub their faces with mud. They were both amazed at everything that we did. Sometimes it was hard to tell if they were enjoying themselves or if they were in pain!!

Saturday morning, my sisters and I took off on a 4.18 mile jaunt--we walked half and ran half. And we pushed the bike carriage the whole way so that we could stop at the church and pick up Kennedy and Karlee from the Primary activity. That hill on the way home from the church has never felt so steep in my life--pushing those two squirming kids might be the reason...

Once we got back from our exercise, I spent some time helping my grandpa figure out how to use his new Tom Tom and my parents took off for the temple. While they were gone, we set up my dad's birthday present--a new Ipod--and tried to get all the music transferred onto it before they got back. We were unsuccessful at that--and also unsuccessful at getting my mom's Body Bugg shipped in time to arrive by Saturday. But since my dad can't keep a secret, it really didn't matter. And they both enjoyed their gifts anyway...

After all that commotion was over, Shad, Linz, and Dan came by my house to pick me up so that we could go back to my old stomping grounds--Riverdale Resort--for a good old soak in the natural hot springs. We spent a good couple of hours there and then we headed to Tremonton to drop Linz off at her house & finished the ride back to good old Ogden.

Brock had to speak in church on Sunday and he chastised all the husbands in their ward who belonged to the "good old boy club"--those are the people that Brock thinks believe that husbands should never do any work around the house and expect their wives to do everything. He did a great job and I sure hope that someday I will find someone who shares that same attitude!

Sunday night I took some rootbeer cookies to the Hancock clan. They are so much fun! Jill and I spent some considerable time feeding our anxiety about our upcoming 5k. And I spent the rest of the time getting crap from Braden, Jason, and Shad. I don't know how Jill does it...But what a fun family and a great weekend!

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