Monday, February 22, 2010

ah ha! now I get it...

"You were not created to be the same as men. Your natural attributes, affections, and personalities are entirely different from these of a man. They consist of faithfulness, benevolence, kindness, and charity. They also balance the more aggressive and competitive nature of man. The business world is competitive and sometimes ruthless. We do not doubt that women have both the brain power and the skills to compete with men. But by competing they must of necessity, become aggressive and competitive. Thus their godly attributes are diminished and they acquire a quality of sameness with man. The conventional wisdom of the day would have you be equal with men. We say, we would not have you descend to that level."
-President Ezra Taft Benson
(Stolen from Mormon in Manhattan)

See?!? The aggressive and competitive traits that I possess are qualities that I have developed out of necessity...I am that way because I've had to rely on myself for financial support. In my adult life, I have not had someone else provide for me. So I have gotten competitive. It's what had to be done to help me make it. So don't tell me that I'm too's called survival.

But don't doubt for a second that I don't recognize that I need to develop better faithfulness, benevolence, kindness, and charity. I'm just still on the journey, trying to figure out how best to balance my life...

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