Wednesday, November 5, 2008

size matters

So I'm proud to say that I've been going strong with my BASICS plan for the last 2 1/2 months. I feel so much better now that I've been working out consistently. I can see that I've replaced some fat with muscle. So it really must be working, right?

Well tell that to my pants please. Because I have put on about 11 lbs from where I was last fall (granted I was in a deep, dark depression and suffering from anorexia), but I can't fit into those pants anymore without splitting them open. Oh, they still fit my waist, but my butt and thighs are busting out at the seams! Can someone please make some pants that will fit over my thighs that will also fit my waist at the same time? There must be people out there who suffer from this dilemna the same way I do.

Because this is what I feel like:

It's almost depressing. It's almost enough to make me quit working out altogether. But not quite. I love how good I feel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am when I've completed Joel's workout. But I love my skinny jeans too and I don't want to waste all of those clothes in my closet. So can we please find a happy medium?!


Lindsey said...

Where did you find that picture of me?!!! That may be how you feel, but some of us (me) actually look like that. And if you find this person that makes small waisted large butt jeans, let me know! I have been searching too!

micah folsom photography said...

hahaha that picture is hilarious! I, too, am suffering from the 'my closet is full of clothes I can't wear'... for different reasons of course. But Basics always presented the same problem for me and my thunda thighs as well!

Heather said...

Love the picture, I think we can all relate most women have bigger butts and thighs and smaller waists- don't ask me why the clothing industry hasn't caught on to this. Just let me say that Biff started calling me Thunder thighs when I was about 17!! So it's a problem I've been dealing with for a long time.
You look great by the way :)

E'lise Collins said...

Vinnie loves that picture! He thought it was hot. Guess I'm safe then, huh? :)

tash said...

Are you kidding me? I saw your cute little booty and legs and you look great. LOL Funny picture though