Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ah Hah! I'm not as fat as you think I am!!!

So...a little background info: You know how women never seem to be satisified with their bodies, no matter how skinny they are? Why is that? For me, it's because I've been called a "big girl" all my life! And for the record guys, "big girl" is NOT a compliment, no matter how many times you try to tell me that it is! Say "tall girl", it sounds much better, trust me...

So the other day, I was helping Colton with his master's thesis (about adolescent obesity) and we were testing out the Body Mass Index calculator that he will be using to categorize the subjects that he is working with within his study. Anyway, he is always teasing me and so he made me type in my height and weight to see what category I would fall in: underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.

So my heart is pounding, my hands are sweating, and I'm praying that I will only fall into the overweight category and not obese! So, 5'11" and 148 pounds gets typed into the calculator and I anxiously await the results after I push enter. Walla! I am NORMAL! Did you hear that Biff? I am normal!!! So Colton can't believe his eyes and I decide that it's high time to get even, so I input his numbers...5'11" and 205 pounds. Ha ha! Guess who just happens to be overweight according to the Centers for Disease Control? That's right...And not only is he overweight, but he is only 1.4 points away from being OBESE!!! I love it!

Now I realize that this calculator is not accurate. I realize that it doesn't account for your sex, bone structure, or muscle mass. Because if it did, there's no way he would be overweight. He has more muscle in his forearm than I have in my entire body! But it sure doesn't change the smile on my face when I think of the dumbfounded expression he displayed when the word OVERWEIGHT came popping out on his laptop screen!

Interested in your own BMI? Or just wanna get even with someone like I did? Here's the link to the calculator!!


Brock and Tyra said...

I could have told you you were not overweight without a bmi calculator. And I could have told you Colton was a little, um...soft...without a calculator, too.
you're a little on the skinny side of perfect!

The Metcalf's said...

Hey Missy! I found your blog though Steph and Jesse's blog. I like how you still refer to yourself as a Utard! You were worried about your BMI? You've always been lean and athletic-looking. That's funny about Colton though!

Alexis said...

Ok, who ever said you were fat? Weird, but I had a dream about you last night! It was very random!