Sunday, April 18, 2010

family history

Recently my mom has been doing a bunch of family history and was able to get my Grandpa Jack's real mother's name ready for the temple (as well as some of his other relatives). So we decided that as a family we would set a date to go and get all of the work done. Yesterday I was able to do the baptisms with my dad. Then my parents and sisters & brother-in-laws did the intiatories and sealings. It was a great day! We really missed Jake, who is still in Texas, but it was such a neat experience to have with my family...

We also spent some time watching Kennedy play soccer, cuddling with Lola, playing at the park--the Litter Box according to Kelsey, and eating lots of pizza. Tyra sang in my parents' ward today, so I stayed in Preston with her and the kids. After church was over, I decided to get my long run of the week in by running into town (while my mom rode her bike along side me) so that we could go pick up Lola from my Grandpa's house--who babysat her during church. She is spoiled...and I got a ton of flack for it all weekend!! But look below to see who else spoils her...someone with the initials BDW!!!!


Marvett Smith said...

Love the pics!

Kris said...

Oh my gads, your puppy is adorable! So sweet, I would spoil her like crazy too!