Thursday, April 16, 2009

a little bit of everything

Where to begin? Let's see...

How bout with March 17th? It's been a rough climb ever since that night, but I'm trying to make it to the next hill as my Dad has advised. That conference talk I mentioned earlier has helped, but every day brings different emotions. Sometimes I'm hurt, sometimes I'm angry, and sometimes I'm so confused. But I've been through this before and despite all of the tears, I know I can get through it again.

Spring ball began with our first tournament on March 28th. We weren't particularly impressive but followed that up with a tournament win at UVU on April 11th. We've made some changes to our defense and they seem to be paying off. We wrap up the spring with a match against Western Wyoming tomorrow night at 6pm.

I am playing in an Ogden City women's rec league right now. My team rocks. Jody, Jaynee, Kaycee, Laura, Jen, and I. Only Jaynee hasn't been playing because she had a serious ankle sprain right before the league started. So guess what had to happen to me? Yep. An ankle sprain. It was athleticism at its finest. So that has put a damper on the 5K training program to say the least.

I also joined a Bunco group. We had our inaugural meeting last week and it was a blast. It's fun to get together for a girl's night out every now and then. We've tried to start doing this with all the former volleyball players from WSU also. Unfortunately, that hasn't quite turned out as good as we'd like. I sent out 31 invitations for the get-together we're having tonight and 3 people are actually coming. Disappointing.

Easter was a great time this year. I missed out on my family's celebration at Tyra and Brock's on the 11th, but I did make it back in time that evening for ham and funeral potatoes. Sunday afternoon, I went over to the 4th Annual Mimnaugh Adult Easter Egg Hunt. I scored a $10 bill and a Home Depot gift card. And lots of candy. It was fun as usual!!

The volleyball class that I'm teaching is winding up and I will be eternally grateful when the semester is over. I'm a little burnt out on the teaching side of things for some reason this year and am welcoming the summer break with open arms!

We are moving our volleyball offices from the Dee Event Center to the Stadium in two weeks. I'm not looking forward to packing up everything that has been collecting in my office the past 5 years...Yuck. It makes me sick to think about it. I will miss the Dee for several reasons: it's private and away from all the gossip. My office is much bigger currently than it will be in a few weeks. And I will be giving up this haven for what we consider gossip central. Not to mention that I'll have to see some people that it would be best to avoid at this point...

I had to pay the IRS a mere $3600 bucks this year due to what we shall refer to as a minor hangup on my W-4 this year. But I learned my lesson and that shall NEVER EVER EVER happen again. Yuck.

Anyway, that's pretty much the last few weeks in a nutshell. The weather stinks and I'm sick of the rain and snow and ready for the sun!!!


Melissa McFadden said...

Melissa, I am not sure what happened on St. Patty's day. But I hope everything is alright. I had to pay taxes this year too. I love reading your blog.

Brock and Tyra said...

tax man always commeth. maybe if you go to enough friends' parties who put $10 spots in their easter eggs, you won't have to worry about coming up with the cash to pay your taxes.

Bonnie said...

$3600!!?? That's crazy!

We need to hang out sometime. Call me

Jaynee said...

i told you... things like how i sprained my hoof get into your head and next think you know, WHAMMO. Athleticism, Age 32.

you're welcome!

Jill said...

Hey Melissa - yes I do mean Jon Misner! He and his wife Brooke are some of our best friends here in Pittsburgh. He and I made the connection a while ago that you two knew each other but I've forgotten how. Their blog is linked on mine, check them out! small world huh?